Unblocking Drains in Gravesend

blocked drains gravesend

blocked drains gravesend is an issue that commonly affects residential and commercial properties in the area.Blocked drains can not only lead to inconvenient flooding but also cause bad odours, sewage backflow, corrosion of pipes, and breeding grounds for bugs and pests. It’s important to identify the cause of blocked drains quickly to minimise the risk of further damage and disruption, which is why it’s important to know the signs and get professional help if needed.

blocked drains gravesend

What Causes Blocked Drains?

The most common causes of blocked drains are tree roots, dirt build up, and grease or fat poured down sinks and toilets. These blockages can start small and progressively worsen over time, causing complete blockages and flooding. Other causes include flushing objects like wet wipes and sanitary products, which should never be flushed down the toilet. In other cases, old or broken pipes may cause a partial blockage or backflow, leading to puddles or pools of water.

Identifying Blockages in Your Property

If you notice your drains are running more slowly than usual or emitting foul smells, you may have a blockage. To determine what’s causing the blockage, it’s best to enlist the help of a qualified professional before trying any DIY methods. Professional plumbers have the necessary tools and skills to locate and diagnose blockages, as well as fix any underlying issues in your plumbing system.

Signs of Blocked Drains

Common signs of blocked drains include overflowing sinks, toilets that won’t flush, and strange gurgling noises during draining. If you see puddles or pools of water near your shower, kitchen sink, or toilet, this could be a sign of a complete blockage. Another sign is persistent bad smells coming from your drains, which indicate blocked drains are allowing sewage gas to escape into your property.

DIY Solutions

When you first detect the signs of blocked drains, there are a few DIY solutions you can attempt. For instance, pouring boiling hot water down the drain or using a plunger can be an effective way of removing minor blockages. You can also use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the drain to break down fatty deposits. However, these solutions are rarely effective for severe blockages and will likely leave you with more permanent damage such as cracked pipes.

Professional Services

You should always contact a professional if you suspect your drains are blocked or damaged. Professional plumbers have the necessary knowledge and equipment to find the cause of the blockages and repair any underlying plumbing issues. They can also develop a long-term solution and prevent future blockages by installing new systems such as hydro jetting and rooter services.

Preventing Blocked Drains

It’s best to take preventive measures to reduce the risk of blocked drains in the future. This includes disposing of food waste and oil in the bin instead of pouring them down the drain and avoiding flushing anything other than toilet paper down the toilet. Also, having regular drain cleaning every six months helps keeps your plumbing system healthy and free from blockages.

Blocked drains in Gravesend can cause significant damage and disruption to a property, so it’s important to act quickly when identifying the signs and enlisting the help of a professional. Taking preventive measures can also help reduce the risk of future blockages and keep your plumbing system in good condition.