The Flagship Energy Advantage: How Our Energy Rates Stack Up

Flagship Energy

If you’re new to the world of energy, one of the most important questions you might have is how to determine which provider has the best rates. While many factors go into deciding on your next energy plan, the flagship advantage offered by providers like Flagship Energy can help you save in other ways. In this post, we’ll show you how Flagship Energy’s flagship advantage helps its customers save money on their monthly bills by lowering their rates year-round.

Why fixed-rate energy plans are the best option

There are many different types of energy plans available to our customers. One type is a fixed-rate plan. Fixed-rate plans are best for those who want stability in their monthly electricity bills and don’t want the price of their energy fluctuating with the prices on the market.

Fixed-rate rates provide peace of mind for our customers, as they know that their bills will stay the same month after month, regardless of what’s going on in the energy market. Another benefit of fixed rates is that there’s no worry about remembering to lock in your rate when it’s time to renew your contract. When you have an open contract or just have it running month-to-month, you can get locked out of competitive pricing if you wait too long. With fixed rates, you can sign up at any time knowing you’ll always be paying competitive rates.

How our energy rates compare to other providers

At The Flagship, we know how important it is to have a reliable source of electricity. That’s why our rates are among the lowest available in our area. With us, you can be sure that your energy costs will stay low for years to come.

But don’t take our word for it! Check out the chart below to see just how much we can save you on your monthly bill. Remember, all prices are per kilowatt-hour (kWh). For example, if you’re paying $0.12/kWh and you use 500 kWh each month, your total cost will be $60.*

Flagship Energy

1) According to this table if you’re currently paying around $0.18/kWh and use 400 kWhs per month*, switching over to our low rate of $0.10/kWh could save you more than $400 annually!

What our energy rates mean for you

If you live in the state where we operate, our rates are among the lowest residential rates in the country. If you’re not sure how your rate stacks up, use our Rate Finder tool to find out! In addition, many of the other electricity providers that offer a lower rate often have fees and penalties for things like signing up and transferring service or forgetting to pay bills on time. We don’t charge any of those fees or penalties because we believe it’s not fair for one customer to subsidize another customer’s bill.

What to do if you’re not happy with your current energy provider

We want to make switching to the Flagship Energy Advantage as easy as possible. If you’re not satisfied with your current provider, we can help. We offer a simple and painless switch process that only takes about 10 minutes of your time. Plus, we have some great rates for you! Check out our rates page and see how much you could be saving with our plan. What are you waiting for? Let’s get started today!