How to Unclog Blocked Drains Without Professional Assistance

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Everyone experiences clogged drains in their homes from time to time, but they don’t always have the money to call out a plumber. If you’re looking to save some cash while still dealing with your blocked drains, here are a few tips on how to unclog them yourself. click here to learn more.

Gather The Right Tools

The right tools can make all the difference when it comes to tackling a blocked drain. Start by picking up a plunger and rubber gloves; these are essential for cleaning out any dirt or debris that might be jamming up the pipes. It’s also smart to invest in a plumbing snake or drain auger, which you can use to fish larger chunks of debris out of the pipe.

Boil A Pot Of Water

If you’re dealing with a slow-moving kitchen sink, boiling a pot of water can often do the trick. Pour the hot water slowly down the drain, then let it sit for about 10 minutes before flushing it out with cold water. This simple process causes the debris to loosen so that it can be easily washed away.

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Use A Natural Cleaning Solution

You don’t need harsh chemicals to take care of a clogged drain. Instead, try making a natural solution with white vinegar, baking soda, and a little bit of hot water. Let the mixture sit in the drain for about fifteen minutes, then flush it out with cold water. You may need to repeat this multiple times before you start seeing results, but it’s worth the effort.

Clean Out The Pipes Regularly

Cleaning out your pipes regularly is the best way to prevent clogs from developing in the first place. Pour a small cup of baking soda down the drain each week, followed by a cup of white vinegar. Allow the mixture to sit for ten minutes, then flush it out with hot water. Keeping up with this routine every few weeks will help keep your pipes in top condition.

Invest In A Drain Trap

If you’ve got particularly troublesome drains, you may want to invest in a drain trap. This useful tool acts as an additional filter in your drainage system, catching food bits and other debris so they don’t cause blockages further down the line. Plus, it’s surprisingly easy to install on your own.

Call In The Pros

Sometimes, it’s best to leave the job to the professionals. If you’ve tried all of these methods without success, it’s time to call in a local plumbing service to check it out. A licensed plumber will be able to pinpoint the source of the clog and remove it safely and efficiently. It might cost a bit more than DIY solutions, but it’ll be worth it to get the issue resolved quickly and correctly.

It’s not always necessary to hire a plumber to take care of blocked drains; with the correct tools and techniques, many homeowners can tackle the issue themselves. When in doubt, though, it’s best to ask for assistance — both to ensure the job is done correctly and to prevent causing further damage. Hopefully, with these tips in mind, you’ll be able to handle your blocked drains like a pro!