Look for the best of Cinema: The Best Of the Lot


Have you thought about knowing a little more about French culture without leaving home? This is one of the advantages that French films give us! They can give a good idea of ​​the economic and social culture in certain periods of France, as well as highlighting habits, unique characteristics and tastes of the country.

French films also bring benefits to studies of this language. By looking at dialogues and situations, you can learn new expressions and train your ear to grasp this charming language.

Want to take a walk around France? Continue reading and see 3 films that show the cultural aspects of French life at different times. In a visit to https://free-123movies.com/ you can find the best choices.

La rule du jeu (The Rule of the Game)

How did French society live in a period just before World War II? In this movie, you can get a sense of this. From the perspective of one of the most renowned French directors, Jean Renoir was released in 1939, this cinema classic: The Rule of the Game.

The story of the film is set in a house of a traditional French bourgeois family. During a masquerade ball, a series of loving plots take place. The ending of the film reveals a secret and the plot highlights how French society of the time imposes its standards to ensure social order.

Coco before Chanel

When still young, the girl Gabrielle is left in an orphanage. During her life, among many activities, she hemmed at the back of a small-town tailor shop. Facing many barriers, little Gabrielle becomes, over time, the indescribable designer Coco Chanel.

  • This important figure in French culture revolutionized the fashion of that country and of the world. Chanel introduced in the way of wearing feminine traits and pieces that were previously dedicated only to men.
  • In this movie, you follow the trajectory of this designer and know a part of French history where women had limited chances of work and had to go through various obstacles to achieve something.
  • You will also find out about Coco Chanel’s creative process. With bold pieces, this designer reinforces the idea of ​​maintaining personality when dressing. Very present feature in the life of the French.
  • With these French movie tips, you will increase your knowledge of the country. After watching the films without a doubt, you will have even more desire to know France and plan an exchange!

More pretentious than the French, just their movies


For decades, this was the worldwide stereotype of French cinematography, constructed by experimental nouvelle vague films (the 1950s-1970s) and dialog-laden (and action-less) dramas of the 1990s and 2000s. Directors purposely cultivated the image of superior intellectuals, disinterested in entertaining or pleasing the general public. The economic crisis of 2008 has changed everything.


By endangering the existence of French cinema, it forced the Lumière brothers’ heirs to react. They did this by returning to an almost despised genre in the country: comedy. The untouchables of 2011 were an unexpected success and triggered a thematic twist. French-produced comedies have become a worldwide phenomenon, altered the national stereotype, and boosted local cinema. The Frenchman is still pedantic, but he has learned to laugh at himself – and to make others laugh at his jokes.