Benefits of virtual games

virtual escape games

The changing era has witnessed a lot. There was a time when children were always out to play outdoor games whether be it in rain or sun. There were happy running behind each other. The drastic change in time has brought situations where children are less interested in outdoor and physical activities but more in mobile, laptops, and lay stations. A kid not having a smart device is considered as a left out.

With the increasing craze o mobile phone, lakhs of games have been developed, each other completely differing from other to make playing online more fun. Even the games like chess, carom, and cricket are played offline. Covid has anyways worsened this situation. We have no option but to play offline games. Even elders want to play online games to keep their excitement alive. There are many games which can be played both by elders and children. One such game are virtual escape games .

What is a virtual escape room –

virtual escape games

Virtual escape rooms are web-based apps or platforms where you are locked in a room. To get out of the room you need to find clues, solve various quizzes and puzzles and rack your minds to find the key and escape the room. Harry Potter fans must know this game. This is specially made for the people who love suspense and thrilling games and also ones who want to use exercise their brains while playing games. There are many different types of virtual escae rooms based on different themes, different clues, and different ways of solving them. People play them in a group or individually. Though the game is online, people together organize zoom meetings to solve the puzzle together.

There is a well-built misconception that games can only make your mind dumb and slower. But when we have a scientific look, each game requires skill and lets a particular part of our brain function more. Also, games are designed in such a way that instills many qualities in a person simultaneously in a fun way and this was the only reason why our ancestors created games.

Let’s the benefits which virtual escape rooms serve-

  • Improved communication– When people try to escape rooms together, they communicate and share their ideas to solve riddles or puzzles. People who have a hard time starting a conversation, it’s the best chance for you. Start playing with a group, find a clue, and tell everyone about it. This also improves the listening skills as all are open to each other’s ideas, listen to them to get more hints.
  • Problem-solving skills– This game improves our problem-solving skills and persuades us to think. Even textbook questions improve our problem-solving skills but here the due interest makes a person think more and not quit thinking. This is psychology where the brain thinks it’s a game so it’s fun to think.
  • Improved memory– Escape room games always include solving puzzles based on previous hints or matching and combining two hints placed at different places. SO this helps to improve memory.

There are many more benefits of escape rooms to count on. So if you are filled with boredom, want to do something exciting, go and find your virtual escape room. Play it with friends or alone, you will be fun.